Ultrasound for Internal Medicine

Ultrasound is an integral tool for internists and family medicine physicians that is used to diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. It can assess organ damage following illness and can help to evaluate symptoms such as pain, swelling and infection, without the use of radiation.

Abdominal ultrasound is a useful way of examining many of the body's internal organs including the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, uterus and ovaries. Thyroid ultrasound is used for studying the thyroid that is not functioning properly. It can help diagnose a lump and determine whether a thyroid nodule is a fluid-filled cyst or a solid tumor. A cardiovascular ultrasound may also be ordered to study the heart, carotid artery, aorta, and other blood vessels.

ProVision Diagnostics has been helping physician offices increase revenue for years. Our professional sonographers travel right to your office, bringing the latest ultrasound technology. We work around you and your patients' schedule, taking a lot of the stress off of your staff. We provide timely interpretations by board certified radiologist, cardiologist and neurologist.


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